Drug-Free Workplace SAMHSA
Drug-Free Workplace SAMHSA is a site that contains a variety of resources for employers related to drug-free workplaces and other topics regarding substance abuse prevention with a special focus on the workplace. The site is frequently updated and contains information in English and Spanish. It includes on-line briefings as well as the results of a variety of research studies with important implications for productivity and the workplace.
Department of Labor Drug Free Workplace
Department of Labor Drug Free Workplace is a site that contains information for employers about how to establish and maintain an alcohol- and drug-free workplace. This site also provides information about the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and provides access to the Department of Labor’s Elaws Advisor to help you understand your rights and responsibilities under the employment laws and regulations administered by the Department of Labor (DOL).
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation is a site that contains information for employers from the Department of Transportation that offers guidance and consultation on drug and alcohol issues within the transportation industry. The site provides a variety of valuable links on drug and alcohol issues.
CDC Workplace Violence
Violence in the Workplace Resources